A Dunton Family Tradition Since 1996

Volume VIII  Issue 2 Spring - Summer 2003
Now in the 8th Year

"Life On The Farm"
The rambling thoughts of Mike Dunton including a brief, regular accounting of the events from life on the Victor Hugo Dunton farmstead in Oregon

This issue of the Dunton Times is pretty sparse.  In part because of our time constraints during this time of year on the farm and in part from lack of submissions.  If you have a family related story or announcement, please remember this family resource.

Life on the farm in the spring and summer are filled with trying to work with and control nature.  Attempting to control nature is difficult at best.  We have to work around the weather that we are presented with to till soil and plant seeds.  Mowing, pruning, and weeding are constant chores that are an almost futile attempt at trying to bring order to the wildness of nature.  But even the worst day in the field is better than the best day in the office of my old "Corporate America" career.  I feel blessed.  

Working at home has allowed me to become more intimate with the land that my ancestors worked, as well as closer with my family.  It has allowed me to resurrect the old family values of working and teaching and learning as a family.  Three generations live together here and we have figured it out.

After about 4 years of living this way, back in a farm economy, it feels normal, real.  It was tough at first.  We were never a typical 21st century family.  We have always been fallbacks to a prior time.  Born out of season, if you will.  But still, going from a six figure income in 1999 to a four figure income in 2000 takes some adjustment.

Everything in this life is fleeting. There is nothing that lives or lasts forever.  But with a bit of attention and caring, family endures.

Blessings to you and yours this summer.

Mike Dunton - 6/16/03

Interesting Links:

Submit obituaries, marriage, military service, special events, birth announcements and prayer requests to keep us all up to date!

No one has submitted any recent information.  Keep us informed!

What's new cousins???  Let us know for the next issue.

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You can see and read more about our farm and our garden seed company at:


Victory Seed Company

Note:  If you are a gardener, contact us at www.victoryseeds.com/contactus.html, tell us where you read this, and we'll mail you out the current catalog, free of charge.

If you have an interesting story that you'd like to share, PLEASE submit it.

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