A Dunton Family Tradition Since 1996
Volume V Issue 1 | April, 2000 Now in the 5th Year |
free |
Searching for the Family Behind
After running the old advertisement for the Dunton-Doten Desk Company [refer to Volume IV, issue 4], I was contacted by a descendant of one of the company principles. They are seeking any information on her ancestor. Here is what she knows:
the Dunton-Doten Desk Company
by Michael L. Dunton"My great-grandmother, whose father began this company, was Mabel Derby. She was married to Frederic Chauvin prior to 1900 and bore him 2 children, Doris and Joseph. Unfortunately, Fred was a "rolling stone" and left Mabel with the children. He later surfaced in New York and opened a company very similar to the Derby Desk Co. (can't find him, either!).
At any rate, Kervin Dunton was the foreman of Derby Desk and, seeing the plight of Mabel and the children, stepped in with an offer of marriage, which Mabel accepted. They later had a daughter, Marjorie who married Harry Austin. However, when Mabel's father died, Kervin took over the company and became partners with Mr. Doten, changing the company name to Doten-Dunton, as you see in the advertisement. The Doten-Dunton enterprise became quite successful.I have no dates, nothing -- just the story from my mother (still living) about the company and her "Nana", Mabel. So, if you have any resources that would lead me to Kervin, and hopefully to Marjorie and her children, I would be thrilled."
Please contact us at
More information can be found here
Mining the Internet
for Duntons
compiled by Michael L. Dunton
Like the examples in the "Mining the Internet" column in the last issue of the Dunton Times, it seems that we Duntons are an entrepreneurial bunch. Here are a couple of additional examples of Dunton businesses from the past. Please take the time to fill in these stories with any information that you have to offer.
This was also being sold on ebaY. The time period in the 50s. Does anyone know anything about this George Dunton?
Here is another item that was for sale on ebaY. This is a postcard of Ocean City, Maryland with the Dunton Cottages and the Atlantic Hotel. It was used with an undivided back, copyright C.F. Coffin 1904, and postmarked Ocean City, 1907.
Recently found for auction,
here is yet another example of the work of W.H. Dunton. Owning an
heirloom seed company, this piece hit really close to home.
1910 D. M. Ferry & Company Seed Poster by William Herbert ("Buck") Dunton. Entitled, "Settlers and Seeds - Civilization's Forerunners". The image is of a Cowboy leading a wagon train. Size of Poster is 20 x 30" framed 21 1/2 x 31 3/4". William Herbert Dunton, born 1878 died in Albuquerque, NM 1936. He was one on the most popular of the Taos painters. He was an important Western illustrator, painter, muralist, lithographer. Very Scarce example of Duntons work. Condition is Good, poster was previously folded and has creases and some wear at folds, colors are sharp and bright. Item Number: pr41 Price: 350.00 For more information about W.H. Dunton, visit the online gallery at www.Dunton.org/whd_exhibit/. |
Dunton Family Organization Support Opportunities
This Web site was created to fill a need -- that is, to create a tool that could be used to foster communication and to help other Dunton (and name variants) family members find each other and learn how they fit in this community that we call family. It is a place to feel welcome and a place to which (by right of birth, adoption, or marriage) we all belong.
Over the years, many people have supported this project by submitting articles, family group sheets, copies of documentation, etc. Many of you have asked about contributing with the payment of "dues". In the past, I have told people that it was not necessary and have personally supported it out of pocket.
There are several ways in which you can help me to support this effort.
Contribute articles, news events, and announcements that can easily be cut from an email message or attached word processing document and pasted into a Web page. This content must be original work with the copyright being held by the submitter.
Contribute family data files for the GeneWeb database.
Contribute photos, documents, or other items of family interest that can be added to the archive project and made available to all members.
Use the Homesite Webstore, an Amazon.com affiliation, and help to financially support the site. Please consider making your Amazon purchases through this portal.
Cash contributions, of any size, will be welcomed. If we start receiving income, we will make an accounting of the funds available online. No funds will be used for compensation of time. Time is a resource that is to be donated.
Rent advertising space -- Do you own a business or are you promoting an event? Contact us for rates.
Reserve Your Dunton.org Email Address Before Someone Else Does!!!
And finally, now that we have our own family domain and virtual server, we are now offering an email forwarding service. In exchange for a small donation, $12 per year (a mere $1 per month) with no additional setup fees, you will get you an email address in the following format:
All you need to provide, along with the $12, is an email address of where you would like to have mail delivered. I will take care of configuring the mail server so that the mail is routed to you. You also will want to change your "Reply To:" address in your mail program. That way, people can begin to memorize your Dunton.org mail address.
As an added benefit, aside from supporting the family organization, you get a constant mail address. How many of you have moved or otherwise changed email addresses? You can appreciate the time it takes to notify every Web service that you have registered with, every friend or family member, perhaps change letterhead and business cards. That all goes away with this service.
After you subscribe to the Dunton mail service, when your email address changes, all you need to do is notify me, and we will redirect to your new address. (We will allow one free change per calendar year and request a $4 donation for each change after that). To the rest of the world your mail address never changed! This offer is open to anyone that wants a personalized email address with the "Dunton.org" domain name. Please tell all of your family members.
Dunton Family Organization
c/o Network Services Group, LLC
P.O. Box 767
Molalla, Oregon 97038All proceeds will go to support this online Dunton Family Genealogical Organization project by funding domain name registration, Web hosting fees, etc. As always, all labor or this family project is donated and not financially compensated.
Submit obituaries, marriage, military service, special events, birth announcements and prayer requests to keep us all up to date!
Staff Sergeant
Joel R. Dunton and family were recently transferred to Marine Corps
Air Station Miramar in San Diego, after a delightful four year tour in the
North Carolina swamps.
New information has been added to the "Archive Page". Prayers for a speedy recovery go out to Les Dunton. |
"Life On The Farm"
Being a brief, regular accounting of the events from life on the Victor
Hugo Dunton farmstead in Oregon
If you read the last installment of the Dunton Times, you know that I took a big leap and jumped out of the mainstream. I quit my management position in corporate America to take time to regroup my priorities, and focus on family and our family business -- The Victory Seed Company. What happened was that the company that I had been working at for over 9 years, decided to pay me consultant's wages to help recruit my replacement and work through the transition. This was good for both the company, and me. That process is now over, and I am less than two actual weeks of truly being employed on our farm. The timing is perfect. The gardening season has begun in the South and elsewhere, we have started to plant our warm weather plant starts, like tomatoes and peppers, indoors. I love the spring, the longer daylight hours, and the increasingly warmer weather. The weather people tell us that we are in for a wet Spring . . . so far they are right. We had a beautiful day yesterday and I got the lawns mowed and some much needed pruning done in the orchard. |
The garden got worked in a dry spell in February and peas, Brussels sprouts, and garlic are doing nicely in beds. Time to get the potatoes, more varieties of peas, and other cole crops in the ground. Please continue to send your family updates and news articles and please forgive me if I am a bit slow at replying to email. It is not because I don't care. Take care, slow down, live life, and may the Lord bless and protect you and your family. Mike Dunton - 3/23/00 You can see and read more about our farm and our garden seed company at: Note: If you are a vegetable or herb gardener, contact us at www.victoryseeds.com/contactus.html, tell us where you read this, and we'll mail you out the current catalog, free of charge. |
The Homesite Webstore
Purchasing books, music & movies through the Dunton Homesite Webstore directly benefits the Dunton Homesite Family History Project. If you are going to place an order with Amazon.com, please remember to use this link -- and tell all of your friends.
If you have an interesting story that you'd like to share, PLEASE submit it.
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Some articles and images may carry the copyright of their respective authors. This page may be freely linked but not duplicated in any fashion.