Monday, 25th (1864 {?})
(Washington D.C. {?})

     I have occasionally talked with Weiner about the girls. He says he writes to quite a number of them. Well our girls are like sisters to him, of course he would write to them. Cushman he writes to, but don't care anything to her. Nick has written to him about ____ _____ (unreadable in original) of Bell Ressegiar writing for Nie. He don't believe a word of it. I guess he will write to some of them about it. I know, that so far, he thinks more of Nie, than all the others put together. I presume he writes to a Rexsford girl. I don't know whether he writes to Del Parsons or not. He has not mentioned her immediately. C Page is in the Mount Pleasant Hospital. I have not heard from him since he went there.

     Tell Charlie that when I had my hard cold in this hot weather, that I know how bad he must have felt when he had his cold. I am glad he has got well again. Tell him that I think of him all the time and I am so glad he is such a good boy. I don't know how you and he would get along, if I should not live to get home, but God would provide a way. My daily prayer is that I may be spared to get home again, more on your and Charlie's account, than my own. Life is sweet to all and I am not anxious to die yet, although I have seen some pretty rough times.


     I have just got your letter directed to Fortress Monroe. I believe I have answered all your questions in the letters before this. It cleared off very pleasant this afternoon and I begin to feel more cheerful this afternoon. I have been on quite a tramp this afternoon. General Emory has been trying very hard to have our Corps stationed here for the defense of Washington. I have heard there was some prospect of us staying here, but we have just received orders to move tomorrow. There is various reports as to our destination. One report is that we are only going to move camp on to the hill. Another is that we are to draw our clothing some time during the night and that we start tomorrow on a raid to Manassas Junction, or beyond there, with twelve days rations, four in our haversack and eight on the wagons, but I don't believe it yet. I will send this in the morning, if there is a chance and write again the first opportunity. I will keep you informed as to where we are, often as I can.

Excuse haste,


Tuesday, 26th

     We were called up in the night and received our clothing. We are to move this morning with four days rations in our haversacks and fifty rounds of cartridges with us. They say we are going on a raid into Virginia. I will try to send this this morning. I presume there won't be a chance to send another letter, till we get back. If there is, I will send one.

From your loving husband,
S. S. Dunton

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