Algiers, La.
Sept. 14th 1863
Dear Parents,
It is a long time since I have written you. I should have tried hard to have written you before, but I knew that you heard from me occasionally by way of Rosa. I have not time to write much tonight, but I thought I would commence one tonight, in hope I will get time to finish it tomorrow. Two weeks ago, we started on a trip to Texas by water. We attempted to go in by way of the Sabine Pass, but were defeated and were obliged to return to New Orleans. We lost two gunboats in action and about two hundred prisoners. On our return we met with a severe storm, which damaged three of our other boats. One boat lost both of her smoke stacks and were obliged to throw overboard four rifled cannon and forty-seven horses. One man in our company, by the name Dunbar from Lebanon, died on the passage back from ship fever, and was thrown overboard.
On reaching this place I found two letters, one from Rosa and one from Ell. She sent me five stamps and some paper. She wrote and so did Rosa about Billy Dunton and the presents he made to all of you. I think it was very kind of him. I would like to see him very much. I received another letter from Rosa and C. Page got a Norwich newspaper with the names of those drafted. I received a very good letter from Uncle Kyn, while I was at Baton Rouge. I answered it before we went on the last expedition. I also wrote one to Nie and one to Mag. The next one I get time to write, besides writing to Rosa, I shall write to Ell and Leine. I don't suppose I shall write anything that will be new to you, for I write every week to Rosa and write all the news. But, it will perhaps be some satisfaction to you to hear from your son, who is far away, direct. My dear parents are remembered by me with just as much satisfaction and love as though I wrote every week. Many a lonely hour have I spent thinking of loved ones left at home, and were it not for the hope I have of meeting you all again I should be miserable. Indeed, I don't mean to complain, but at the time I entered the service I thought that in one year at most all again would be peace and those that lived would be permitted to return to their homes.... but it appears one year is past and I think the chances are pretty good for staying the remaining two years, but enough of this. The drum has called dress parade and I must stop till morning.
Tuesday 15th
I am not feeling very well this morning. Our brigade received orders to send all their teams to Brashear, by land, to start this morning. The suposition is that we follow on the cars in two or three days and join the expedition at Brashear for the invasion of Texas. We expect from two to three month campaign, before we go into winter quarters. Of course, our facilities for sending mail will not be very good. It may be a long time that you will not hear from me. I shall send often as I get a chance. Some how it seems to me that we have been so successful this summer that this war might be closed up this fall, but I don't see any prospect of it. I for one, and thousands of others are getting heartily sick of this war. If we should have to stay the whole three years and work as we have had to so far, and there is every prospect of it for the present, there will be few if any left to go home and they will be broke down, so they will be of no good to themselves and their friends.
I rather think I have a blue streak on this morning and had better stop writing. How I have stood the fatigue of long marches, sleeping on the ground in all kinds of weather and poor living is more then I can account for. It proves that men can stand more hardships, when obliged to, than they could be made to believe they could fill till after they had tried it. I long very much to once more to get home with my family and friends. Well, I must draw this to a close. Remember me to all friends. Tell the girls to write often. I will answer as often as I can, late county paper would be very acceptable. And now dear parents I must bid you good by for awhile. Hoping that there are years of happiness and peace in store for us in this life and that this war may come to a speedy termination. I remain your affectionate son.
S. S. Dunton
Write often as you can and get the girls to write. You have all been very good in writing often.
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