Baltimore, Maryland
October 15, 1862
Dear Parents,
I have a little leisure time this morning. I will write you a few lines to let you know how we get along here. It has been very quite here the past few days, except for some little trouble with the commissary department. The neglected keeping a supply of meat on hand. Co. C. has had no meat for the past four days, consequently they refused to drill last night. Their captain, with other captains, went to the commissary and had quite a time… came very near fighting. The result is there will be meat enough on hand today. There is no news I can think of to write. War news, I suppose, you get as quick as we do here, for we get most of the news from New York papers. We are under matching orders and have been for four days, by may not move for all that. The general impression here is that we will stay in Baltimore, or vacinity, this winter. The Sherburne group are in the city and have been for some time. Lorenze Shaw was up here yesterday. He says the boys are all well, and those in the hospital are getting better. B.F. Rexford and Colonel Smith’s wife are here. Rexsford’s son, Willie, is our captain. He is liked first rate by the company. Bard Leavenworth from Eatone and David Parce from Otselle were here last Sunday. Isae Ballou, adopted son of Isae Phelps, is one of our company. I can think of nothing here to write that would interest you. I am well and getting fat. It has been quite cool for a few days, but is warmer today. Sunday and Monday morning I was pretty lonesome. It was cold, cloudy weather and we had nothing to do but lounge about camp. Tell the girls to write to me often. I will write to them as soon as I can. Give my love to all. Tell them not to wait for me to write. Please write soon.
From your affectionate son,
S. S. Dunton
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