United States Army General Hospital
Ward 6, York, Pennsylvania
November 30, 1864
Dear Parents,
I am feeling rather lonesome today, so I thought I would commence a letter to you to pass away the time. I have written so often lately to someone in the family that I shant be able to write you any news. In fact, I don't get any news here. I am very thankful for the money you sent me. It was of more value to me just at that time than ten times to amount at any other time, for I was entirely out of money and had been for some time and was destitute of every thing. I pray God that my life maybe spared to repay the many kindnesses I have received. I have not received any pay from the government since last Spring and will probably not till I join my regiment in a week or two. I am nearly well of my lameness and my health is good. Rosa wrote me that Cory said he had written to me two or three times. It is singular I haven't received it. I get all the rest of your letters. I received those papers that Nettie sent, was very glad to get them and would like to get more. Tell Nett I will write her before long. Cousin Will was much pleased with your visit to New York. He wrote about it in his letter to me. He is a noble fellow. May God spare him for a long life of restfulness. It is not always you find a person that is able and is also willing to help those that need help. But he is an exception. I wish you would write me a good long letter. Write how you are all getting long and how your business is, how you found Uncle Samuel's family, and what Gus Fromley is doing and El. I believe I will write to them sometime. It is very warm here today. The medical board are discharging all that will not be fit for the field in 30 days and transferring to their own states those that will not be fit for the front in 30 days. Quite a number have been discharged today. I am anxiously looking forward to the day, if my life is spared, I will get my discharge, which will be about the first of next September. I think when I get to my regiment again I will feel better than I do here. I shall feel more at home at any rate. I wrote to Uncle Fryre about two weeks ago. He wrote me a very kind letter. His family was in usual health. He seemed to regret very much that he could not see me last winter. He was at Cinattia the same time I was there, from 6 P.M. one night till 5 P.M. the next. I stayed at the Krockway Hotel, waiting for transfer orders to Cairo. Had I known that he was there, I would have tried to find him. I see by the papers, there was quite an attempt to burn New York City, also the war department in Washington, have not seen the full particulars. There is considerable excite here, relative to Sherman's movements. We shall know more about them before long. It seems to be very quiet in the Shenindoah Valley, just now. Have heard nothing in particular about our regiment. I have very comfortable quarters and I am getting fleshy again. Well, I must close.
That we may all live to meet again, in
the daily prayers of your affectionate son,
S. S. Dunton
Write soon and all the news you can think of, anything will be news to me.
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