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The Book of Buckskinning Series:
Featuring information for learning and preserving
old time skills

To learn more or to purchase a book click on its title and follow the directions!

Paperback (June 1983)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 0960566600
208 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Step back in time and learn how to relive the American frontier. First published in 1981, this bestseller is the standard against which other frontier living history books are judged. Ten authors bring their expertise to the subjects of The Philosophy of Buckskinning, How to Get Started, Rendezvous & Shoots The Lodge, The Guns, The Clothing, Accoutrements & Equipment, The Skills, Women in Buckskinning and The Crafts.

Paperback (June 1983)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 0960566627
264 pages, 8.5" X 11"

More in-depth information on how to re-create life on the American frontier. Techniques, patterns and instructions for everyday work and living in the wilderness. Chapters include Why Buckskinners Create, Working with Leather, 18th Century Clothing, Horseback Travel, Design and Construction of Powder Horns, Firemaking, Traveling Afoot & By Canoe, Making Camp Gear and Gun Tune-Up & Care.

Paperback Rev edition (September 1986)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 0960566651
240 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Solid buckskinning information written by the most knowledgeable people in buckskinning. Subjects include Historic Guns & Today's Makers, Quillworking, Trade Beads, 18th & l9th Century Cooking, The Hunting Pouch, Beadworking, Techniques for Making Footwear and Period Shelters. Also includes a special color section showing beadwork, quillwork, authentic frontier outfits and trade beads.


Paperback (June 1987)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 0960566643
260 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Add to your knowledge and enhance your buckskinning lifestyle and skills with chapters on Traditional Blacksmithing, Blankets in Early America, From Raw Hides to Rawhide, Styles of the Southwest, Smoothbores on the Frontier, Trade Silver, Backwoods Knives, Lighting the Primitive Camp and Historic Sites & Museums.


Paperback (May 1989)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 096056666X
260 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Continues the buckskinning series of practical frontier living skills with chapters on Fur Trade Indian Dresses, Old-Time Music & Instruments, Trade Goods for Rendezvous, Tipi Know-How, Engraving & Carving, Historic Sites & Museums II, Games, Sports & Other Amusements and Pack Saddles & Panniers. A special color section features the dress of fur trade Indian women and horseback photos.


Paperback (June 1992)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 1880655012
226 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

The sixth book in the buckskinning series continues the tradition of first rate historical information and hands-on frontier craft skills. Chapters include The Traditional Hunting Pouch, Horse Gear, East & West, Making a Wooden Bow, American Powder Horns, Frontier Trail Foods, Old-Time Shooting Matches, Period Trekking and Finger Weaving. Color section features horseback trips, powder horns, hunting pouches and fingerwoven sashes.


Paperback (April 1995)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN: 1880655055
260 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Buckskinning VII continues the tradition of first-rate historical information and hands-on frontier craft skills. Chapters include Clothing of the Rocky Mountain Trapper, 1820- 1840; Indian-influenced Woodsmen of the Cane; Tools & Techniques of Bark Tanning; A Wardrobe for the Frontier Woman, 1780-1840; A Typical Day's Journey in Winter; Goods of the Trunk Maker & His Trade; Art & Writing on the Frontier and Great Lakes & Eastern Woodlands Knife Sheaths. Color section features original art and artifacts plus reproductions.

Paperback (December 1999)
Scurlock Pub Co; ISBN:
257 pages, 8.5" X 11" 

Buckskinning VIII Sound historical research and clear, understandable instructions in the crafts and skills of the American pioneers. Each chapter was written by an experienced participant and is lavishly illustrated. Chapters include: Gear of the Rocky Mountain Trapper, Beaver Hunting, Wing Shooting with a Flintlock Shotgun, History of the Horse in the Fur Trade, 18th Century Tatooing, The History & Trade Ledgers of Fort Hall, Independent Women of America's Past, Beadwork in the American West before 1850, and The Evolution of the Cocked Hat.

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This page was last Updated January 16, 2019.