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Current Status of Richard A. Dutton's

The information in Dick's file in not owned by anyone, is a matter of public record, readily available in the public domain, and much of it elsewhere on the Internet for fee or for free.  RootsWeb has a GEDCOM cleaning program which has been run on Dick's file to remove notes, comments and months and days associated with "living" people (defined as anyone born after 1910 with no death information listed).

Most visitors understand the circumstances and the situation behind Dick's posting of his data file. Dick's disease was not only fatal, it took him very quickly - just over one month from the time that he was diagnosed and posted his last email message to the family genealogy group. (Click here to read his intent in his own words)

Dick's GEDCOM file is stored on RootsWeb where it will remain available per his desire, in the state Dick left it, for future family researchers to use.  Please do not request or expect that any edits will be made.  As he explained in his email message he had no one to pass on the responsibility of continuing his work and did not want it lost.  Understand that it contains many errors, along with a lot of great informational leads.  Treat the information as you would any other bit of family lore and try and find primary source documentation to verify all information.

If you would like to contact other Dutton Family researchers, joining the RootsWeb sponsored Dutton-l mailing list would be recommended.  You can find more information here:


Dick's file can be accessed at:


Copyright © 1996-2019 by The Dunton Family Organization -- All rights reserved
The Dunton Homesite™ is the property of The Dunton Family Organization
This page was last Updated May 15, 2022 .



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